A review of plants treated as Hieracium angustatum (Asteraceae) in Britain


  • T.C.G. Rich BSBI




Hieracium caesium Fr. var. angustatum; Hieracium angustatum (Lindeb.) Lindeb.; Hieracium subangustatum T.C.G.Rich; holotype; lectotype.


Hieracium subangustatum, Lesser-leaved Hawkweed, is described as a new English Lake District endemic; it was formerly included under the Norwegian H. angustatum Lindeb. in Blytt (1874) (=H. angustatum (Lindeb.) Lindeb., 1877). A lectotype is selected for H. caesium Fr. var. angustatum Lindeb. (1872), the basionym of H. angustatum Lindeb.


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Pugsley, H.W. 1948. A Prodromus of the British Hieracia. Journal of the Linnean Society of London (Botany) 54:1–356.

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Tausch, I.F. 1828. Flora; oder (allgemeine) botanische Zeitung. Regensburg, Jena: 11(1, Ergänzungsbl.):57.

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