New names in British Sorbus (Rosaceae)


  • T.C.G. Rich BSBI
  • L. Houston



hybrid, neotype, new species


A new triploid species Sorbus fayana L.Houston & T.C.G.Rich is named from the Mendips. A new name is given for Sorbus aria × S. porrigentiformis hybrids = Sorbus × pseudoporrigentiformis T.C.G.Rich & L.Houston. A new combination Sorbus wyensis (D.Green) T.C.G.Rich is made. Sorbus incana Hedl., a cultivated species recently discovered introduced in Dorset, is neotypified.


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Rich, T.C.G. 2009. Validation of names for new Avon Gorge Sorbus (Rosaceae) taxa. Watsonia 27:370.

Rich, T.C.G., Harris, S.A. & Hiscock, S.J. 2009. Five new Sorbus (Rosaceae) taxa from the Avon Gorge, England. Watsonia 27:217-228.

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